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I am 15, I am diagnosed with ADHD and ODD. I got diagnosed when I was 10. The first step took when i got diagnosed was to be put on medication. I've been on medication for this since. I am now coming off my medication and equine therapy is helping me do this. I'm glad i found the option of equine therapy. It has helped me and will continue to help me.


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It has helped me and will continue to help me.

Brief History


Suffering from depression, lack of self esteem, unable to make a decision about anything ie what to eat even. Continually crying unable to cope with simple tasks, exhausted didn’t want to leave the house. Couldn’t drive, seen by GP, commenced anti-depressant and CBT therapy I didn’t really understand what the therapist was talking about!!! This came on slowly over a couple of years due to stresses and illness in the family. It took me completely by shock I was a copper and just got on with things!!! Always putting other people first!! This intervention was recommended by a dear friend and I had no idea what it entailed but I was desperate to feel better that I pursued the therapy. First session: introduced to therapist Nikki and the horse she had chosen for me to work with called Forrest later to become my trusted friend!! I could have quite easily bottled out before the session the way I was feeling!! My partner took me and supported me with this intervention. I didn’t know what I would be doing, Forrest was a large horse Nikki asked me what I would like to concentrate on I just burst into tears and said I felt quite overwhelmed and couldn’t make a decision. The actual therapy involved getting a working relationship with Forrest, I quickly found out that Forrest could detect any anxieties I had and would not stay with me or react to what I wanted him to do ie walk around the cones etc. As advised by Nikki I had to concentrate very hard and focus on my relaxation in order to maintain Forrest’s attention. After chasing him away several times and me concentrating on my breathing by the end on the first session we managed to interweave through 4 cones without a lead rein, this therapy does not require you to ride the horse just walk with him. Following the session I went home exhausted and slept for a couple of hours, it was a very peaceful sleep which at this time I was struggling with. Over several weeks working with Forrest my confidence increased and we developed a good working relationship enabling us to perform several tasks of varying degrees of difficulty. All the time my confidence and self esteem began to increase my family and close friends began to see an improvement in my overall wellbeing. I began to drive again and get out of the house independently. I really feel so much stronger and thank Nikki and Forrest for all their strength and intervention and I am now in a position to return to work . The journey has been hard but after 6 months I’m in a much happier place and believe that a lot of this has come from the equine therapy that I received from them both. I also know that if I feel myself slipping backwards I can return anytime.

All the time my confidence and self esteem began to increase my family and close friends began to see an improvement in my overall wellbeing.

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